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Our AISL Harrow Scholars

AISL Harrow Pride

Every AISL Harrow Scholar, regardless of the year they received the AISL Harrow Scholarships, becomes a member of the AISL Harrow Pride. AISL Harrow Pride serves as an alumni network, providing an academic, social and professional platform for scholars to connect and engage with one another.

Through the profound AISL Harrow education, our students embark on a transformative journey. Guided by experienced teachers, they dive deep into their interests, unlocking their boundless potential. As they combine their chosen A-Level subjects with their passions, their enthusiasm blends harmoniously with their academic pursuits, propelling them towards remarkable success.

Y21/23 Inaugural Scholars

Matthew C.

University Destination: Harvard University

Matthew Chin

AISL Harrow Hong Kong
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Tiffany C.

University Destination: University of Pennsylvania

Tiffany Cheung

AISL Harrow Hong Kong
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Yi Sum Y.

University Destination: University of Cambridge

Yi Sum Y.

AISL Harrow Shanghai
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Finley J.

University Destination: MetFilm School

Finley J.

AISL Harrow Shanghai
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Michael Z.

University Destination: New York University

Michael Z.

AISL Harrow Beijing
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Matthew C.

Offer: Harvard University

Matthew Chin

AISL Harrow Hong Kong
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Tiffany C.

Offer: University of Pennsylvania

Tiffany Cheung

AISL Harrow Hong Kong
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Yi Sum Y.

Offer: University of Cambridge

Yi Sum Y.

AISL Harrow Shanghai
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Finley J.

Offer: MetFilm School

Finley J.

AISL Harrow Shanghai
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Michael Z.

Offer: New York University

Michael Z.

AISL Harrow Beijing
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Y22/24 Scholars

Yoon Yati

University Destination: Stanford University

Yoon Yati

AISL Harrow Bangkok
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Eaint Aunt Auw

Eaint Aunt Auw

AISL Harrow Bangkok
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Peony S.

University Destination: The University of Hong Kong

Peony S.

AISL Harrow Hong Kong
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Kyan C.

University Destination: University of Cambridge

Kyan C.

AISL Harrow Hong Kong
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Lauren S.

University Destination: Imperial College London

Lauren S.

AISL Harrow Shanghai
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Kai Jun C.

University Destination: Imperial College London

Kai Jun C.

AISL Harrow Shanghai
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Yoon Yati

Yoon Yati

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Eaint Aunt Auw

Eaint Aunt Auw

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Peony S.

Peony S.

AISL Harrow Scholar of Harrow Hong Kong
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Kyan C.

Kyan C.

AISL Harrow Scholar of Harrow Hong Kong
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Lauren S.

Lauren S.

AISL Harrow Scholar of Harrow Shanghai
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Kai Jun C.

Kai Jun C.

AISL Harrow Scholar of Harrow Shanghai
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Soe Thway K.

Soe Thway K.

AISL Harrow Bangkok
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Swan Tayza A.

Swan Tayza A.

AISL Harrow Bangkok
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Audrey G.

Audrey G.

AISL Harrow Haikou
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Bob W.

Bob W.

AISL Harrow Hong Kong
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Sirawat J.

Sirawat J.

AISL Harrow Hong Kong
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Soe Thway K.

Soe Thway K.

AISL Harrow Bangkok
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Swan Tayza A.

Swan Tayza A.

AISL Harrow Bangkok
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Audrey G.

Audrey G.

AISL Harrow Haikou
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Bob W.

Bob W.

AISL Harrow Hong Kong
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Sirawat J.

Sirawat J.

AISL Harrow Hong Kong
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Marissa L.

Marissa L.

AISL Harrow Appi
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Enerlen B.

Enerlen B.

AISL Harrow Appi
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Eann S.

Eann S.

AISL Harrow Appi
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Trinity L.

Trinity L.

AISL Harrow Appi
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Earth S.

Earth S.

AISL Harrow Bangkok
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AISL Harrow Chongqing
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Perseus W.

Perseus W.

AISL Harrow Shanghai
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Gloria L.

Gloria L.

AISL Harrow Hengqin
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Should you have any enquiries, please email us at scholarship@aislharrow.com.

Matthew Chin, Harrow Hong kong

Since joining Harrow Hong Kong in September, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here, with the school’s community and academic support being the two aspects I am most impressed by and grateful for. As a boarder, I am lucky enough to be able to spend time with friends and teachers, all of whom I am delighted to have built up a strong relationship with. In particular, I am grateful to my housemaster and housemates for helping me integrate almost seamlessly into life at Harrow Hong Kong. On the academic front, I have been impressed by the dedication shown by teachers and students alike to educational excellence. In the classroom, my teachers not only teach the syllabus content in a clear and concise way, but also encourage us to stretch ourselves beyond the A Level curriculum, exposing us to challenging problems to help develop our lateral-thinking skills. I have also received guidance from Harrow’s exceptional university preparation team, ranging from discussions about which university courses are best suited to me, to sessions centred around my university preparation strategy and how best I can utilise my time at school. It has become evident to me through these conversations just how experienced our university coordinators are. Outside the classroom, there are many enriching activities in which I can participate, ranging from orchestra rehearsals to TedX meetups. All in all, I have enjoyed and benefitted from life at Harrow thus far, and am excited to see what the future brings!  

Tiffany Cheung, HARROW HONG KONG

Transferring to a new school – something one might perceive as a daunting change. However, joining Harrow Hong Kong was nothing of the sort. My housemistress, peers, and teachers were nothing short of welcoming and I and I instantly felt a sense of belonging from the moment I laid my eyes on the grandiose, white pillars of the temple. In the classroom, the teachers’ dedication in ensuring that my classmates and I are able to grasp every concept down to the slightest detail is truly admirable. Teachers pitch discussions to the class and the small class sizes coupled with the teachers’ effort to include everyone makes me confident in speaking my mind and contributing to the topic at hand. The weekly support clinics during lunch hours are also indubitably beneficial to my studies; the personalised help I’ve received from teachers ensures that I have all my study-related queries resolved. Harrow is also keen on the preparation for life after Harrow, providing 2 periods of ‘University Preparation’ each week and hosting a myriad of workshops and talks – all of which have allowed me to gain deeper insights into different universities and their programs offered. Aside from academics, I have already bonded with a group of like-minded and ambitious students who have connected me to various extracurricular programs both inside and outside school. Harrow truly is a vibrant and excellent school community and I look forward to spending the rest of my sixth form journey here. 


“Why did you choose Harrow?” I took a deep breath as I remembered the list of points I made before the AISL interview: small student-teacher ratio, small student body, great community…Little did I know the true meanings my words possessed.

The summer before my upcoming school year lingered with shadows of restlessness towards my new academic adventure. Thankfully, Harrow’s welcoming community meant this quickly came to a halt, as students from my form invited me to a welcome lunch. Their inclusivity finally made me understand my words in the interview. So, on the first day of school, there was an unexpected yet natural feeling of safety, and an odd yet genuine sense of belonging.

This welcoming experience has made me reflect on how I could learn from them and implement those same values into my own lifestyle. The close relationship between teachers and students along with the attention given to each one of us has inspired me to be more comfortable in asking questions and participate in classes. Their supportive and accepting nature has also encouraged me to take more chances in exploring my interests out of classrooms. This is the ultimate goal of a school: providing a safe and comfortable environment so students can grow and constantly redefine who they are through the process of learning. I am very grateful to be part of the Harrow Shanghai family, and I look forward to making full use of the invaluable resources Harrow has to offer!

Finley Jones, Harrow Shanghai

When I first realised I would be moving to Harrow Shanghai as a result of the AISL Scholarship, the prospect of changing schools was daunting; my mind raced through countless assumptions: What if I don’t fit in? What if I don’t make any friends? But from the very first day, my worries were reassured. I immediately felt welcomed and at home thanks to the warmth and kindness of the students and teachers and found myself settling in in no time. After a month and a half here, I can say with confidence that choosing A Levels at Harrow was the right choice for me. With A Levels, I get to study the subjects I’m most passionate about: History, English Literature and Music. This is helped of course by the excellent resources and teaching the school provides. Though initially hesitant about having one-on-one classes, I quickly came to value the efficiency and flexibility this style of learning offers, and its focus on individualised learning. Outside of academic subjects, Harrow also offers an eclectic range of activities to participate in to help develop important skills such as leadership, my personal favourite being the frequent House competitions we have, from the Inter-house Football Competition to the House Film Competition. As a student who wishes to study Film as a major in University, the Film Competition was a fantastic opportunity to showcase and further hone my skills as a filmmaker. I’m grateful for this wonderful opportunity that the AISL Scholarship has given me and will do my best to make the school proud! 

Michael Zhang, Harrow Beijing

As the AISL Harrow Scholar this year, ever since joining Harrow Beijing in September, I have immediately bonded myself with the extraordinary school community – whether that be making lots of new friends, actively taking part in various school clubs and leadership roles, or receiving a truly holistic education from exceptional school faculties and teachers. Harrow Beijing, along with its extensive resources, history, and the great faculty, is a genuinely welcoming and kind “family” at its core, which is what I have really experienced over the past month. Inside the classroom, both students’ and teachers’ commitment to academic excellence is fascinating. Currently taking A Level English Literature, Economics and Mathematics, as well as the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) – an independent research thesis, I am truly impressed by Harrow teachers’ dedication to such a supportive tutoring. Apart from academics, the outstanding university and career guidance team and the counseling team is always there to encourage and assist students with our paths in school and beyond. Outside the classroom, there are just countless leadership opportunities and super-curriculars to explore and immerse into, too. Harrow is really a warm and tremendous community – from the food, the sports teams, to the offering of a multitude of opportunities. I am delighted to have joined Harrow, and I really look forward to excelling here! 


During my scholarship interview, I vividly recall talking about how the opportunities available at Harrow will provide me with unreplaceable assistance in realising my dreams. Every day, I get more and more surprised at how true that statement was. All my teachers are immensely passionate about the subjects they teach, and all my peers have been nothing short of helpful and kind.

Outside the classroom, thanks to the wide range of extracurricular activities offered at Harrow, I have gotten to experience new sports, such as rock climbing and archery, and made many new friends from different year groups. Aside this, utilising the school’s extensive collection of books, I have also explored topics that interest me beyond the A-level syllabus, such as deep learning. Recently, I have also gotten to further hone my mathematical and problem-solving skills by competing in a math competition called the UKMT. I hope to represent Harrow in such competitions again in the future. 

It is almost unbelievable to me how in just one and a half months, I have made so much academic progress, formed deep and authentic friendships, and feel as if I’ve been part of the Harrovian community all my life. I am very grateful for this opportunity and cannot wait to make Harrow proud!


Ever since that heart-thumping email popped up in my inbox of the scholarship announcement, I cannot help but feel extremely excited yet somehow nervous at the same time. However, my nervous emotion quickly evaporated as soon as school started in mid-August. The extremely welcoming and warm atmosphere at Harrow Bangkok has reassured me that excitement is the only emotion I should hold inside me, completely disposing of the anxiety I had when the announcement was made.

I have to admit that the supportiveness of all the teachers and staff of Harrow caught me off-guard by always being there for me when I needed it, by constantly making sure that I feel involved, and by assuring me that anything I inquire about shall be answered. This trait of Harrow has drawn me deeply into feeling an entirely foreign place like home in no time. What is more, extracurricular activities as well as super curricular activities made available to me by Harrow Bangkok have taught me countless life lessons, preparing me for my life after Harrow.

This experience even further accentuated my boarding life as the boarding village was no less than what the school had to offer me and all the other students. From the headmistress and houseparent to even nurses and kitchen staff, the kindness and care provided to each and every boarding student is indescribable. I am utterly grateful for this great opportunity, and can’t wait to collaborate with everyone to make the Harrow Community and Boarding Village an even brighter environment!


Now that I am two months into my sixth-form life at Harrow Hong Kong, I cannot help but feel that applying for the Harrow AISL Scholarship was undoubtedly the best decision I have made in my life.

I’ve felt so welcomed by the Harrow Hong Kong community – the pastoral care here is excellent. My housemistress Ms Ray has made every effort to make the house a second home for all of us. The students here at Harrow- my house family members, my classmates, and my peers – have all warmly embraced me in this community.

On the academic front, the dedication and calibre of teachers here at Harrow are truly impressive. They are approachable, friendly and highly competent in their academic fields, which have helped build my skills and boost my confidence to meet the challenges of a demanding A-Level curriculum. Furthermore, the regular lunchtime consolidation sessions have allowed me to resolve the problems I encounter in my learning in a timely fashion.

Harrow Hong Kong has also provided a plethora of opportunities to stretch our intellectual limits beyond just the A-level curriculum, by encouraging us to participate in various challenging academic contests and competitions.

The university support at Harrow is also exceptional, with 2 hours dedicated to “University Preparation” each week, giving us time to understand various application processes, allowing us to research universities in detail, as well as having guests come and tell us information about their institutions. These sessions have been useful in assisting and supporting our path towards university, exposing us to the multitudinous range of possibilities we could consider.

In terms of non-academic activities, the wide range of co-curricular and super-curricular activities has broadened my horizons and enhanced my learning. I’ve been able to join the LAMDA public speaking course, participate in debate competitions, and be a part of vibrant and diverse student-led societies.

I am immensely grateful for the fantastic opportunities that the AISL Scholarship has given me. I look forward to continuing this exciting, challenging and fulfilling sixth-form journey at Harrow Hong Kong in the coming two years.


Though I was initially concerned about not fitting in when I joined Harrow, my concerns quickly dissipated when I found that my fellow boarders and the housemaster were friendly and welcoming. In general, I found Harrow’s students and teachers being friendly towards newcomers like me, and I was able to find friends, both inside and outside my house.

I found the teachers in Harrow dedicated towards education, with smaller class sizes helping the teachers better focus on each student. Furthermore, there are a variety of academic competitions available for those who want to stretch themselves, and the teachers are willing to help us prepare for them. Finally, Harrow provides us with detailed guides on applications to universities globally, allowing me to consider options from multiple countries and know what to expect from each system.

Harrow also has extracurricular opportunities, allowing me to develop beyond my academics. This has allowed me to remain well-rounded and find things that I enjoy. Currently, I am in the ensemble for the school musical, a saxophonist in the school’s Big Band, and on the school’s MUN team.


Receiving the full A Level scholarship was probably the most significant achievement of my life to date. It encouraged me to pursue higher academic goals and strengthened my dream of being a doctor. Moreover, the scholarship made me even more enthusiastic about life beyond my studies and encouraged me to organising many extracurricular activities such as charities and competitions. I truly enjoy sharing this enthusiasm with the Harrow community.


“As a Harrovian scholar, I am exposed to many new opportunities, which pushed me to dive deeper into my fields of interest. The variety of academic competitions I am currently preparing for would be a good example of this. Harrow also provided me with the opportunity to availably have detailed conversations with teachers, where I would discuss and ask questions relating to my fields of interest. I was also taught that pursuing activities and sports outside of school would be as important as my compelling academic achievements. The courses which I currently participate in, such as DofE, would help me to engage in such activities and maintain a healthy lifestyle.”


When I first arrived in Bangkok four days before school started, I was excited but also slightly scared to be honest: a completely new place, a new language, and a new culture. Everything seemed so strange and unfamiliar to me at that time, and I could recall myself being so stressed about attending Harrow, making new friends and how I should behave as a scholar. However, as I settled down, I quickly found that I was being too cautious. All the teachers I have met so far have been very kind and helpful, even if I were to ask questions that had little to do with their areas of expertise.

The best part of being in Harrow is making new connections. Each and every person I have met in Harrow has their own strengths in various fields: sports, instruments, dance, technology, physics, medicine, and business. So, as I stayed close to them, I came to know many ideas and concepts that I would never have thought of coming across. This whole experience seems like a trial version of the real world we would be facing later in life. Even if I had just arrived a month ago, so much has happened, and I can confidently state that I now have many people I can talk comfortably with at Harrow, not just from the same year group; there were friends I met in my tutor group, House Dance, House Camp, and after school activities, teachers, and even more students from boarding activities.

Just within a month after arriving at the boarding village, this place, which was supposed to be so unfamiliar to me, now feels just like home, and I cannot wait to contribute all my efforts to the Harrow Community. 


An overwhelming thrill filled me when I first received the AISL scholarship: the next four months were spent in relentless anticipation for the endless opportunities to broaden my horizons in my educational and social prospects at Harrow.

Although I initially had doubts about doing well in a foreign society, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that was not the case. The caring community of students, teachers and boarding staff have given me a sense of belonging: in just a month, I had already made many friends in the school and boarding village.

Furthermore, the educational system of Harrow is amazing: the teachers are proficient in their subjects, explain lectures comprehensively, and patiently answer our questions. The countless extra-curricular and super-curricular activities also provide brilliant utilities to supplement my studies.

It is indeed an honour for me to have received such a prestigious scholarship, and I am very grateful that it has opened new windows of opportunity. As I progress throughout the years, I will keep upholding and contributing to the Harrow society to the best of my ability. 


My experience at Harrow has been nothing short of perfect. From the moment I stepped foot on campus, I was greeted with warmth and kindness from both the teachers and fellow students. It’s definitely a great pleasure to meet old friends and previous teachers and get to know new people. Teachers are not only knowledgeable and experienced but also genuinely care about us. Students are incredibly kind and welcoming. They have made me feel like a part of the community from day one. The facilities are brilliant, and school offers various EAs, which allows students to pursue their interests and talents outside the classroom.

Overall, the atmosphere here is inspiring and motivating. The combination of dedicated teachers, kind-hearted students, excellent facilities, and a strong academic focus creates an environment where learning thrives. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of such an incredible school community. 


I can safely say that applying for the AISL Harrow Scholarship has undoubtedly elevated my learning journey to new heights.

I am so grateful to my Housemaster, Mr Stokley and everyone in Churchill House for making my experience so unique and fulfilling each and every day. I truly appreciate the warm and inclusive environment that the pupils and teachers have fostered here, whether it be games or call-over in the morning,  and I am so grateful for being part of this successful and thriving community and having made so many talented friends already. As a new pupil, I can feel that I will certainly succeed in this environment that is proven to produce effective world leaders and strong members of society.

The A Level curriculum is a platform where learners can specialise in their talents and interests, and I can safely say that my teachers have done a wonderful job setting expectations and guiding us through the transition from IGCSE to A Levels, and helping to make our learning journey smoother. I can certainly say that the small class sizes are extremely conducive to productive class discussions and increased help from teachers. I have never found myself hesitating to ask for help in this school, and I find my lessons invigorating and enjoyable. In addition to my lessons, Beyond Harrow, the numerous university preparation sessions run by Ms Morris, the Director of Sixth Form have provided me with a new insight with regards to university applications, and I believe that these sessions will equip me with the various tips and tricks needed to thrive in the present day.

Harrow Hong Kong also offers a plethora of academic and extracurricular opportunities for pupils to explore their passions and maintain their physical wellbeing. I am currently embarking on my Duke of Edinburgh Silver journey and participating in a football extracurricular activity. These activities have been extremely rewarding and have improved my mental health and wellbeing, as I am able to interact and share ideas with like-minded pupils with the same passions as me.

This generous AISL Harrow Scholarship has been a golden opportunity, offering me a gateway to world class education and I will certainly make the most of it. I am extremely excited to embark on my Sixth Form journey and I believe this journey will be rewarding and fulfilling regardless of the challenges I face.  

Sirawat J., HARROW Hong Kong

Even though Hong Kong is far from my home country, ever since my first step into this school, I always felt welcomed as part of the Harrow International School Hong Kong community. Mr Stokley, my House Master, has been a tremendous help with the transition period for both becoming a boarder, and for stepping up into the Sixth Form. The overall environment at Harrow is supportive of studying; all my peers are hard-working, which motivates me even more to want to achieve greater things together as a team.

Additionally, the school curriculum is specifically designed to aim at goals in the future. The curriculum teaches me essential life skills as well as A Level courses which I intended to study. This enables me to become more well-rounded, which prepares me for the real world outside of school. Furthermore, the School helps me to prepare for university applications and I am also able to explore more opportunities with this support.

Lastly, there are a variety of societies and extracurriculars that I can sign up for, to challenge myself even more in the fields that I am interested in. In addition, the School provides fantastic opportunities to take part in leadership roles such as: prefects, head students, and heads of house, which allows me to face challenges that I might not be so comfortable with. I am excited and looking forward to the Sixth Form experience at Harrow Hong Kong. 

Marissa L., Harrow Appi

Harrow Appi has been nothing but accommodating in every aspect possible, from the teachers’ kindness and patience in studies and extracurricular activities, the lively personalities of the students and the relentless hard work of all staff, all in all, to ensure that Harrow Sixth Formers are provided with a fulfilling Year 12 and 13.

Even the weather has ushered in cooler days, an autumn breeze welcomes the new and returning members. The boarding experience never felt foreign despite it being my first time away from home, mostly due to the people I spent time with. The house is beginning to feel like one very large extended family who we are all in the same boat, dining and studying and simply living our best lives together. It’s heartening to know that oftentimes company is simply a knock at a door away. 

Enerlen B., Harrow Appi

Harrow Appi boasts an enchanting atmosphere blending the crisp, fresh air of Appi Kogen with breathtaking views of Mount Hachimantai. What captivated me was the campus itself, nestled between these towering mountains, creating a tranquil alcove away from the booming cities I have been accustomed to. It is this proximity to these natural peaks that allows us to hike through trails, camp under starry skies and soon enough, ski trips in the winter months!

Beyond the setting, every member of the staff is always ready to lend a hand. Whether they are sharing their wealth of knowledge in their fields or simply taking a moment for a quick chat, their support has been invaluable. The close living quarters bring people from all walks of life, allowing meaningful connections with housemates and friendships to be formed. Time has flown by, and I am excited to see what the future holds. 

Eann S., Harrow Appi

Before arriving at Harrow, I was excited yet nervous as to how I would be able to confront the challenge of navigating a completely unfamiliar environment. Nonetheless, the school and its community within Harrow have made adapting to this new chapter in my life seamless and welcoming.
My time at Harrow has transcended all my previous expectations. Despite my brief four-week tenure on campus, I have had the pleasure of bonding with great friends and have received invaluable support from wise and passionate teachers who genuinely care about my present and future. My time here has been euphoric, particularly in forming meaningful connections and relationships that make this experience fulfilling. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to be a student at Harrow and have nothing but praise for the extraordinary individuals who have been a crucial foundation in building such an exceptional learning atmosphere that cultivates success in every way. 

Trinity L., Harrow Appi

Here at Harrow Appi, we’re constantly given a multitude of opportunities that you’d be hard-pressed to find elsewhere, providing stimulating challenges both within and beyond the classroom. In just two short weeks, I’ve already experienced a whirlwind of firsts: mountain biking, attending a university fair in Tokyo, and stargazing with friends on crisp evenings.

Much of this is thanks to Harrow Appi’s incredible community. Our teachers, affectionately termed Beaks, are a cornerstone of this community. They’re dedicated not only to our academic excellence but also to our wellbeing, always eager to chat or offer their expertise when we need it. Friends play an equally crucial role, making each day brighter with laughter-filled lunchtimes and chats between classes. Nestled within Appi Kogen’s breathtaking nature, we live, learn, and lean on one another—and I couldn’t be more grateful for this invaluable opportunity the AISL Harrow Scholarships has granted me. 

Earth S., Harrow Bangkok

As a new student at Harrow Bangkok, I was quite nervous about what was a rather big leap for me from my previous school to a much larger community. The nervousness didn’t last long, as I feel very fortunate to be in a house where everyone is so supportive. My buddies are willing to help with anything, and the others whom I’ve met are so nice, which makes me feel very happy and excited to be a part of the Harrow community. So far, I’ve been given many opportunities which have allowed me to challenge myself and meet many incredible people. I’ve also really enjoyed the fact that as seniors, we have the freedom to lead initiatives, events, and societies, which I feel is very exciting and allows me to pursue more of my ideas and passions. 

Tommy, Harrow Chongqing

The sublime education system with hardworking teachers and staff has made an impression that they’re willing to help us bring out more of our potential. I’ve also made many new friends who share the same interests as me. Overall, I couldn’t have asked for a more preferable start to my educational journey. Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude again to everyone at Harrow Chongqing for making me feel like I never left home. 

Perseus W., Harrow Shanghai

Studying at Harrow Shanghai has been a pleasant journey. From my experiences so far, it’s clear that Harrow successfully implements a holistic approach to education in a remarkable way. Even amidst the challenges of our A Level curriculum, our dedicated teachers go above and beyond, pushing us to excel while supporting our extracurricular pursuits. Their passionate attitude towards their subjects ignites a spark within me, inspiring me to plunge deeper into the vast sea of knowledge. The collaboration among students is just as wonderful. Though I’ve only been here a few weeks, I’ve been warmly embraced by my peers. Recently, my friends and I collaborated on a presentation on religious studies that was entirely new to us. Despite our unfamiliarity with the topic, we bonded seamlessly and made our best experience with it. This nurturing atmosphere is precious, and I cherish being a part of it! 

Gloria L., Harrow Hengqin

Starting in a new school is not easy; it is both exciting and nerve-wracking. That is precisely how I felt when I walked through the gates of my place of study for the next 2 years – Harrow Hengqin. Surprisingly, the Heads of School greeted me at the entrance. They welcomed me with friendly smiles and chatted with me before ushering me into the school. Immediately, I already felt welcomed and at ease. I knew that I was going to thrive here as I grow in this nurturing environment. As days passed, I met my wonderful teachers and classmates. They guided me through the small trips and falls of being a new student. I can never resist my urge to learn more, as my teachers explain the curriculum in such an engaging way. Overall, the experience here at Harrow Hengqin has far exceeded my expectations and I incredibly look forward to my time that I am going to spend here. 

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Harrow Bangkok

Contact Information

Email: admissions@harrowschool.ac.th

Telephone: +66 (0)8 221 92723

Admissions Department
Harrow International Bangkok
45 Soi Kosumruamchai 14 Kosumruamchai Road Sikun, Don Mueang Bangkok 10210


Contact Information

Main Campus
Email: admissions@harrowbeijing.cn
Telephone: +86 10 64448900
Address: No.287 Hegezhuang Village, Cuigezhuang County, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100102

City Campus
Email: cityadmissions@harrowbeijing.cn
Telephone: +86 10 64448100
Address: No. 5, 4th Block, Anzhen Xili (Anhuaqiao Station, Exit C1) Chaoyang District Beijing, 100029, China


Contact Information

Email: info@harrowchongqing.cn
Address: Liangjiang Avenue, Yubei District, Chongqing, China, 401147


Contact Information

Email:  admissions@harrowschool.hk
Address: 38 Tsing Ying Road, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong
Telephone: +852 2824 9099


Contact Information

Email:  info@harrowhaikou.cn
Address: No.11, 3rd Linhai Road, Meilan District, Haikou, Hainan, China, 571127

HARROW Nanning

Contact Information

Email:  info@harrownanning.cn

No.6,Xintan Road,Yongning District,Nanning,Guangxi,China,530029


Contact Information

Email:  admissions@harrowshanghai.cn

Telephone: +86 21 6881 8282 ext 210/212

Admissions Department
Harrow International Shanghai
No. 588 Gaoxi Road, Pudong, Shanghai, China 200137


Harrow International School Shenzhen

Contact Information

Email:  admissions@harrowshenzhen.cn

Address: Harrow International School Shenzhen, Tinghai Road, No.3 QianWan Road, NanShan District, Shenzhen City, China, 518054

Harrow Hong Kong Children School, Shenzhen Qianhai

Contact Information

Email:  admissions@harrowhkcsshenzhen.cn

Address: 3rd Qianwan Road, Qianhai Cooperation Zone, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, 518054


Contact Information

Email:  info@harrowzhuhai.cn

Harrow LiDe School Campus
Yiwen 2nd Avenue, Hengqin New District, Zhuhai, China, 519000

Harrow Little Lions Early Years Centre Campus
No.44, Bailian Road, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai, China, 519000