Our curriculum has been specially designed and developed for our Early Years provision and it draws from the best and most impactful practice from around the world. It recognises the (possibly unpredictable) challenges that children are going to face as they enter the world and seeks to prepare them to address and revel in them. It also considers the uniqueness of AISL Harrow Early Years Centres and Bilingual Kindergartens and ensures that it maximises and optimises the learning experiences and outcomes for children. As holistic, evidence-based Early Years provision we are committed to developing a truly world class and world aware education for young children.
Our Curriculum is foregrounded on the values we hold as a group; Courage – the need to take risks and try new things; Honour – the commitment to doing what is right; Fellowship – the understanding that we are part of a wider community and society; and Humility – the acknowledgement that we are continually a work in progress.
These ancient values are equally applicable to the virtues and competencies of young children as they are to the adults that journey through to the end of the process. These values drive the purpose of the curriculum which is to create and nurture the citizens and leaders of the future. By starting with these, we make that intention, and the realisation of it, clear to all.
Our curriculum also ensures that it articulates and specifies what we intend for children, and how all the aspects of it blend together. It acknowledges the importance of knowledge and skills that children will need, and how these can be embedded in their everyday experiences. It also recognises the importance of learning behaviours that drive and motivate children to think, express, communicate and remember.
Our curriculum was developed with education experts and the leaders of Early Years provision within the group and is a significant touchstone for realising our aspirations for the children we work with.
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